- 3. monosaccharide, primary energy source for body cells
- 4. a low blood glucose level
- 6. Hormones: hormones released by the hypothalamus that stimulate secretion of hormones by the anterior pituitary gland
- 7. mechanism: a series of chemical reactions initiated by a decrease in blood pressure that stimulates the kidneys to secrete the enzyme rennin; culminates in the formation of angiotensin II
- 10. hypersecretion of growth hormone in adult, resulting in excessive growth of bones of the face, hands, & feet
- 11. the conversion of stored glycogen to glucose to be sued for energy production
- 13. a high blood glucose level
- 14. Feedback Mechanism: a control system in which a stimulus initiates a response that reverses or reduces the stimulus, thereby stopping the response until the stimulus occurs again
- 16. Luteum: the temporary endocrine gland formed from an ovarian follicle that has released an ovum; secretes progesterone & estrogen
- 18. polysaccharide, storage of excess glucose in liver and/or muscle
- 20. disease: hyposecretion of the hormones of adrenal cortex, characterized by low blood pressure, dehydration, muscle weakness, & mental lethargy
- 24. all the reactions that take place w/in the body. Anabolism: synthesis reaction, coming together, requires energy. Catabolism: breakdown reaction, releases energy
- 25. excessive growth of the body or its parts; result of hypersecretion of growth hormone in childhood
- 27. Mellitus: hyposecretion of insulin by the pancreas or the inability of insulin to exert its effects; characterized by hyperglycemia, increased urinary output w/ glycosuria & thirst
- 28. hyposecretion of thyroxine in an infant, uncorrected, result is severe mental & physical retardation
- 30. Syndrome: hypersecretion of the glucocorticoids of the adrenal cortex, characterized by fragility of skin, poor wound healing, truncal fat deposition, & thin extremities
- 34. of Langerhans: the endocrine portions of the pancreas that secrete insulin & glucagon
- 35. an increase in secretion of hormones, or high amounts secreted
- 36. an enlargement of the thyroid gland, due to the lack of dietary iodine
- 38. hyposecretion of thyroxine in an adult, decreased metabolic rate results in physical & mental lethargy
- 39. Dwarfism: the condition of being abnormally small, caused by deficiency of growth hormone
- 1. a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that causes vasoconstriction throughout the body, raise blood pressure in stressful situation
- 2. cells: cells of Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas that secrete the hormone glucagon
- 4. a high blood calcium level
- 5. epinephrine & norepinephrine, hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla
- 8. a hormone secreted by adrenal medulla that stimulates many responses to enable the body to react to a stressful situation
- 9. the conversion of glucose to glycogen to be stored as potential energy
- 12. a low blood calcium level
- 15. (T4): a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland that increases energy production & protein synthesis
- 17. locally acting hormone-like substance produced by virtually all cells from the phospholipids of their cell membrane (have varied functions)
- 19. disease: hypersecretion of thyroxine, believed to be autoimmune disease, symptoms reflect the metabolic rate
- 21. having the same effects as sympathetic impulses, as has epinephrine (hormone of adrenal medulla)
- 22. Organ: the organ (tissue) in which a hormone exerts its specific effects
- 23. a metabolic acidosis that results from the accumulation of ketones in the blood when fats & proteins are used for energy production
- 26. a decrease in secretion of hormones, or low amounts secreted
- 29. the conversion of excess amino acids to simple CHO or to glucose to be used for energy production
- 31. drowsiness, laziness, or indifferent
- 32. the pituitary gland
- 33. Hormone (GH): a hormone secreted by anterior pituitary gland that increases the rate of cell division & protein synthesis
- 37. cells: cells of Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas that secrete the hormone insulin