Endocrine System

  1. 6. System Another term for Hormonal System.
  2. 9. The master gland.
  3. 10. A type of disease where individuals bodies are not able to produce enough insulin or are resistant to insulin.
  4. 11. Connects the hormonal system to the nervous system.
  1. 1. Hormones travel to receptors on cells through the...
  2. 2. Insulin uses this for energy.
  3. 3. A type of diabetes where the body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas.
  4. 4. A type of diabetes where the body is resistant to insulin.
  5. 5. A hormone that is produced by the pancreas.
  6. 7. Glands Controls metabolism and the immune system.
  7. 8. Produces the hormone that controls the rate at which cells burn fuels from food to make energy.
  8. 12. A hormone that is produced in response to stress or excitement.