  1. 2. stimulated by FSH in testes
  2. 3. what T3 is called
  3. 4. causes a positive pregnancy test
  4. 6. type of hypothyroidism as an adult
  5. 8. travels to red bone marrow in bones
  6. 10. stimulates the loss of sodium and water
  7. 12. glucose in urine
  8. 16. caused by a hypersecretion of cortisol hormone
  9. 17. stimulates the digestive system to break down food and release glucose
  10. 20. a form of testosterone
  1. 1. hormone that helps increase blood pressure
  2. 5. epipens prevent this
  3. 7. epinephrine and norepinephrine is secreted by this
  4. 9. greatest release is in utero, children, and pregnant women
  5. 11. process when an organ shrinks when you become an adult
  6. 13. released during excess sweating/hemorrhaging
  7. 14. another word for an enlarged thyroid gland
  8. 15. located on pancreas
  9. 18. type of hypothyroidism occurring as a child
  10. 19. symptom of diabetes insipidus
  11. 21. "Big Alice Is Grouchy!"