Endocrine System Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. shorthand for adrenocorticotropic hormone
  2. 4. the peripheral endocrine gland is affected in this kind of endocrine disorder
  3. 6. this is inserted into the membrane of contracted skeletal muscle allowing for insulin not to be required for glucose uptake
  4. 7. these hormones regulate hormone secretion by another endocrine gland and stimulate and maintain their endocrine gland target tissues
  5. 9. the buildup of synthesis of larger organic molecules from small organic molecular subunits
  6. 12. hormones of the posterior pituitary are released in response to neural input from this
  7. 13. the thyroid gland is situated in our neck over this
  8. 15. the phrase "starvation in the face of plenty" refers to this endocrine disorder
  9. 18. this hormone spikes roughly three hours after onset of sleep
  10. 20. these cells are responsible for the production of cartilage
  11. 22. the action of drawing water from the blood into the kidneys is referred to as this
  12. 24. insulin used to treat diabetes initially came from these animals
  13. 25. in female puberty this molecule is responsible for the signaling for osteoblasts to have greater function than chondrocytes
  1. 1. an enlarged thyroid gland is known as this
  2. 2. term "hormone" was first used to describe this
  3. 5. the cells in the pancreas that release glucagon
  4. 8. the post-absorptive metabolic state
  5. 10. the major absorptive state hormone
  6. 11. the concentration of fatty acids in the blood is increased by this
  7. 14. this molecule influences pair-bonding and parent-offspring bonding
  8. 16. number of cell types in the islets of langerhans
  9. 17. when there is a destruction of the gland and endocrine hormone decreases the anterior pituitary hormone will _________
  10. 19. this gland is affected in secondary endocrine disorders
  11. 21. _____-thyroidism is indicative of too little thyroid hormone
  12. 23. tropic hormones of the anterior pituitary are controlled by hypothalamic releasing or inhibiting of these