Endocrine System Disorders

  1. 4. A relatively rare emotional disorder in which mood swings are greatly exaggerated
  2. 6. A generalized hyposecretion of all the adrenal cortex hormones leads to
  3. 7. A bening enlargement of thyroid gland
  4. 8. A severe thyroid deficiency in the young that leads to stunted physical and mental growth
  5. 10. Hyperactivity of the outermost cortical area result in
  6. 12. Results from a tumor of the thyroid galnd
  7. 16. Also called Graves Disease
  8. 17. When the tumor is in the middle cortical are occurs
  9. 19. Is the second hormone released by the posterior pituitary
  1. 1. Cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus
  2. 2. Hyposecretion of GH during childhood leads to
  3. 3. Hyperthyroidims occuring in adults results in
  4. 5. A disease caused by deficient insulin release or inadequate responsiveness
  5. 9. Hyposecretion of ADH leads to a condition of excessive urine output called
  6. 11. Since insulin sweeps the glucose out of the blood,its effect is said to be
  7. 13. Its biggest sign is a peculiar tanned skin tone
  8. 14. The thyroid gland enlarges and the eyes may bulgue, or protrude anteriorly
  9. 15. Diabetes mellitus or
  10. 18. Which occurs when hypersecretion occurs after growth of the long bones has finished
  11. 20. When muscles go into uncontrollable spasms that can be fatal