Endocrine System Disorders

  1. 4. Tetany
  2. 5. Too much aldosterone produced in adrenal glands
  3. 6. Low blood sugar
  4. 9. Hyposecretion crotical hormones
  5. 13. Underactive thyroid
  6. 14. People with normal health show depressive symptoms at the same time each year
  7. 15. Hypothyroidism
  1. 1. Hypersecretion growth hormone
  2. 2. Graves' disease
  3. 3. Caused by excess ACTH production
  4. 7. Hypersecretion cortical hormones
  5. 8. Hyposecretion antidiuretic hormone
  6. 10. Hyposecretion growth hormone in adults
  7. 11. Diabetes mellitus
  8. 12. Enlargement of the thyroid gland