Endocrine System Puzzle

  1. 4. -condition when there is too much thyroid hormone; some effects are elevated basal metabolic rate, increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, etc
  2. 7. -The consequences of this condition can cause neurological problems, coma, and death
  3. 15. -hypothalamic ____(the answer)_____ neurons receive numerous inputs from higher and lower levels of the brain, and can be short term, long term, or rhythmic
  4. 18. -condition when there is too little thyroid hormone; some effects are reduced basal metabolic rate, slow heart rate, poor tolerance of cold, tends to increase weight due to fuels stored, etc
  5. 19. -type of state that is catabolic and endogenous energy stores are used to provide energy
  6. 21. -process that increases in liver and skeletal muscle as a result of Insulin's effect on Carbohydrate metabolism
  7. 24. -These type of cells are typically subject to autoimmune destruction in TypeI diabete; these cells are found in the islets of langerhans and secrete insulin
  8. 25. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is none/almost none and develops typically in Childhood
  1. 1. -The consequences of this condition can cause 'glucotoxicity', most notably in vascular endothelial cells of the retina, kidneys, and capillaries associated with peripheral nerves (ex: retinopathies, poor kidney function etc)
  2. 2. -type of hormone that is the regulator of somatic cell growth and metabolism
  3. 3. -type of skeletal muscle does not need insulin for glucose uptake, as GLUT4 is inserted into the membrane when muscles are actively contracting
  4. 5. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of GH
  5. 6. -Type of diabetes where insulin secretion is normal or exceeds normal and the typical age of onset in in adulthood
  6. 8. -Hormone that acts to decrease blood glucose levels; is an absorptive state hormone
  7. 9. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions and stimulates milk ejection during breastfeeding
  8. 10. -The process of the breakdown of glucose to glycogen
  9. 11. state -type of state that is anabolic, and glucose is plenty and serves as an energy source
  10. 12. -type of hormone released by the posterior pituitary in response to a neural input; It is an antidiuretic hormone causing vasoconstriction and when dehydrated increases kidney permeability to water
  11. 13. -type of hypophysiotropic hormone whose major effect on the anterior pituitary is stimulating the secretion of TSH
  12. 14. -type of hormone that is water soluble, and has low lipid solubility
  13. 16. -can diabetes mellitus cause organ damage? (yes or no)
  14. 17. -This process is insulin's effect on protein metabolism (and reduces this process occurring); and is also known as the breakdown of proteins
  15. 20. -hormone that accelerates bone building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate (in both sexes)
  16. 22. -An enlarged thyroid gland often due to being informed by the pituitary gland to make more thyroid hormone in general
  17. 23. -Type of glucose transporter that insulin uses to enhance glucose uptake