Endocrine System

  1. 1. hormone from parathyroid gland that raises blood calcium, abbrv.
  2. 4. ___'s syndrome, results from excessively high cortisol levels
  3. 5. diabetes ___, results from hypoactivity of insulin
  4. 7. hyper-___, elevated blood glucose level
  5. 8. ___-hypophysis, posterior pituitary portion
  6. 12. diabetes ___, results from hyposecretion of ADH
  7. 15. adenylate ___, enzyme that produces cAMP from ATP
  8. 17. storage form of glucose in liver
  9. 19. hormone secreted from alpha pancreatic-islet cells
  10. 22. hypophyseal ___ system, blood vessels connecting hypothalamus w/ ant. pit.
  11. 23. "___ effect", GH raises blood glucose level
  12. 25. hypersecretion of GH beginning in adulthood
  13. 27. blood transport protein mostly used to transport T3/T4, abbrv.
  14. 30. pituitary gland
  15. 31. hormone derived from cholesterol (estrogen, testosterone, etc.)
  16. 32. endocrine tissue clusters in pancreas
  17. 34. ___ cells, those that have specific receptors for a hormone
  18. 36. hormone induces labor, milk let-down, social/sexual bonding
  19. 38. ___'s disease, hyposecretion of cortisol
  20. 39. pituitary hormone directly stimulates cortisol secretion, abbrv.
  21. 40. classic "stress hormone"
  22. 42. hormone secreted from beta pancreatic-islet cells
  23. 43. insulin-like growth factor, abbrv.
  1. 2. hypothalamic hormone leading to increase T3/T4 secretion
  2. 3. common second-messenger molecule produced from ATP
  3. 4. neonatal hypothyroidism
  4. 6. amino acid from which T3/T4 is synthesized
  5. 9. ___'s Disease, autoimmune hyperthyroidism
  6. 10. hormone secreted from adrenal medulla, similar to epinephrine
  7. 11. hormone from adipose reduces appetite
  8. 13. ___ in blood glucose is the effect of glucagon
  9. 14. ___ in blood glucose is the effect of insulin
  10. 16. classic mineralocorticoid, induces Na+ retention
  11. 17. growth-hormone releasing hormone, abbrv.
  12. 18. protein-rich material fills thyroid follicles
  13. 20. ___-acidosis, results from rapid lipid catabolism
  14. 21. hyposecretion of GH in infancy
  15. 22. ___-follicular cells, secrete calcitonin
  16. 24. "___ effect", T3/T4 increases body heat production
  17. 26. adult hypothyroidism
  18. 28. ___-hypophysis, anterior pituitary portion
  19. 29. enlarged thyroid gland
  20. 30. a chemical messenger transported by blood
  21. 33. I- ions required for T3/T4 production
  22. 35. pituitary hormone directly stimulating T3/T4 secretion
  23. 37. T4 thyroid hormone
  24. 38. posterior pituitary hormone increases water retention & blood pressure
  25. 40. three outer layers (zones) of adrenal tissue
  26. 41. largest endocrine gland in adults