Endocrine System

  1. 3. to normalize growth in children with a growth hormone deficit
  2. 5. bone decalcification & development of renal calculi
  3. 8. Na<130, SPG >1.020, weight gain, HTN (low & wet)
  4. 9. single best thyroid screening test
  5. 10. ADH replacement for Diabetes Insipidus
  6. 11. addison's disease - hyper_______
  7. 12. buffalo hump
  1. 1. medical management for hypothyroidism
  2. 2. retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy
  3. 4. chvostek & trousseau's sign
  4. 5. weight loss, diarrhea, heat intolerance, increased pulse
  5. 6. bulging eyes
  6. 7. dry skin, slow speech, constipation, weight gain, cold intolerance