Endocrine System

  1. 4. What is the autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism?
  2. 5. What is the cause of type II diabetes mellitus?
  3. 6. Increased bone thickness and hypertrophy of soft tissues.
  4. 10. Exophthalmos is a unique clinical manifestation for which disease?
  5. 11. Diabetes insipidus involves a problem with which hormone?
  6. 15. Sensitive points on the body known as _____ points. This is a symptom of Endocrine disease.
  7. 16. What autoimmune disease cause hypothyroidism?
  8. 17. Type I diabetes mellitus is more likely to occur in which gender?
  9. 19. Hypogonadism is a unique clinical manifestation of this disease.
  10. 20. Cushing's disease leads to increased ______ production.
  11. 21. Reduced blood glucose levels (<60mg/dL).
  12. 22. Type I diabetes mellitus is cell mediated autoimmune destruction of which type of cell?
  13. 23. This is one unique clinical manifestation of diabetes insipidus.
  1. 1. Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone are released by this part of the pituitary gland.
  2. 2. Addison's disease is a dysfunction of which gland?
  3. 3. What is the main problem of diabetes mellitus for all patients?
  4. 7. This gland secretes calcitonin.
  5. 8. Mainly caused by secreting pituitary tumors.
  6. 9. Overgrowth of the long bones of the skeleton.
  7. 12. One unique cause of hypopituitarism.
  8. 13. The secondary cause of adrenal insufficiency leads to a lack of which hormone?
  9. 14. The primary effect of insulin is to ______ blood glucose.
  10. 18. These cells in the pancreas produce glucagon