Endocrine/Urinary Crossword

  1. 1. if you drink plenty of water, you can avoid __
  2. 5. urine travels from the kidneys to the bladder in these tubes
  3. 6. enlarged hands and facial features are signs of this disorder
  4. 9. hormones only have an affect on their __ cells
  5. 14. thyroid disorder that leads to weight gain, feeling cold, & constipation
  6. 15. hormone that lowers the blood sugar
  7. 16. prolactin causes the body to produce __
  8. 18. this hormone causes muscle growth, a deeper voice, and sexual development in males
  1. 2. type 2 __ usually occurs in adults, and is linked to an unhealthy diet
  2. 3. the tube that carries urine out of the bladder
  3. 4. childbirth is possible thanks to this hormone
  4. 7. high levels of growth hormone in childhood leads to this disorder
  5. 8. hemo__ and peritoneal __ are treatment options for kidney failure patients
  6. 10. when a kidney failure patient stops urinating completely, it's called __
  7. 11. kidneys filter wastes, toxins, & excess water out of the __
  8. 12. hormone that increases metabolism
  9. 13. type 1 diabetes is due to an autoimmune disease, when the body attacks this organ
  10. 17. structures where urine is created