Lord of the Flies - Literacy

  1. 2. a large, spiral-shaped seashell, often used as a horn; in the story, a symbol of power.
  2. 4. cruelly fierce; uncivilized.
  3. 5. a monster or large animal; also the Devil.
  4. 8. referring to a child, an informal combination of “little one.”
  5. 9. difficulty exhaling caused by lung spasms; often an allergic reaction to inhaled particles or a symptom of emotional stress.
  6. 13. a large cloth, attached by cords to a person or object, that unfurls at a great height and enables the person or object to float safely down to the ground.
  1. 1. structures that provide protection from weather or bright sun; a refuge from danger or trouble.
  2. 3. a long stick or pole with one or both ends pointed, for driving into the ground as a post or from which can be hung a large, heavy object, e.g., a killed pig, to be carried by two people.
  3. 5. referring to a child, an informal combination of “big one.”
  4. 6. a drink made from the boiled leaves of the tea plant; in England, a traditional afternoon work break where the tea and snacks are served.
  5. 7. a sorcerer or magician; in 20th-century British slang, excellent or superb.
  6. 9. a gathering of people for a purpose, including discussion, ceremony, or the giving of orders.
  7. 10. prohibited by society.
  8. 11. light-colored hair and/or skin; unbiased, even-handed; good enough.
  9. 12. a flat, circular surface or plate with a series of marks around the edge and a vertical post attached at one side, arranged to let sunlight cast the post’s shadow on the circular surface to indicate time of day.