
  1. 2. ability to do work
  2. 6. gravitational potential energy is equal to ____ x height
  3. 9. occurs when nucleus splits
  4. 10. energy stored in chemical bonds
  5. 12. radiant energy
  6. 14. energy due to position or shape
  7. 16. kinetic energy is equal to mass x _____ squared
  8. 17. energy of motion
  9. 18. form of energy associated with the motion, position, and shape of an object
  1. 1. change from one form of energy to another
  2. 2. energy of electric charges
  3. 3. occurs when nuclei fuse together
  4. 4. potential energy related to object's height
  5. 5. potential energy associated with objects that can be compressed or stretched
  6. 6. transfer of energy
  7. 7. energy stored in nucleus of atom
  8. 8. rate at which energy is transferred
  9. 11. According to the law of _____ of energy, energy is not created or destroyed
  10. 13. what energy and work are measured in
  11. 15. heat