
  1. 5. dynamos and thermocouples produce _______ energy
  2. 7. which type of energy takes 8 minutes to reach the Earth from the Sun?
  3. 12. solar energy is non renewable
  4. 13. elastic, gravitational and chemical are examples of _______ energy
  5. 15. what type of energy does an iron change electrical energy to?
  6. 17. what types of energy do bulbs emit?
  7. 20. these make light energy change to electrical energy
  1. 1. when drawing a scale on a line graph the numbers must increase in _______ amounts
  2. 2. what is the other name for movement energy
  3. 3. E stands for ...
  4. 4. 1000 J = 1 _______ J
  5. 6. this should be used when describing energy changes of an appliance or object?
  6. 8. wind is a renewable energy source
  7. 9. what type of energy do fuels contain?
  8. 10. what are coal, oil and gas known as?
  9. 11. even though there many years of supply left this fuel will not last forever
  10. 14. which type of graph would be drawn when measured distances are being compared to measured times?
  11. 16. title, aim, hypothesis, method, results, _______, evaluation
  12. 18. energy is measured in ...
  13. 19. ____ will run out before nuclear fuel