
  1. 5. The prefix that in standard form means 1 x 10^6
  2. 6. A wasted energy in a laptop
  3. 7. When a ball is dropped the amount of kinetic energy it has _______________
  4. 8. The energy store in bananas, petrol and candle wax
  5. 9. This type of system does not have energy transfers into or out of it
  6. 11. The energy store in a moving object
  7. 12. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but only _______________________ from one store to another
  8. 13. Dissipated energy ends up here
  9. 15. The energy stored in a stretched or compressed object
  10. 17. Energy not in the form or place that you want it
  11. 19. Hot objects have energy stored this way
  12. 20. Energy cannot be __________or destroyed
  13. 21. The unit used to measure the amount of energy
  1. 1. There are 4 of these: mechanically, by radiation, electrically, by heating
  2. 2. The potential energy stored in a book on a shelf
  3. 3. Energy that has spread out into the surroundings
  4. 4. When a ball is thrown up the amount of kinetic energy it has _______________
  5. 10. The useful energy emitted by a lamp
  6. 14. Energy in the form you want in the place you want
  7. 16. The total energy always stays the same. This is called the Law of ______________ of energy
  8. 18. This force causes moving parts to heat up