
  1. 1. , doing to making something
  2. 5. , it is moving
  3. 6. , something is made
  4. 7. substances turn into foods and fuels
  5. 8. , all moving objects
  6. 10. , burning or hot things
  7. 11. , a substance that can produce power
  8. 13. stored energy in an object
  9. 15. is the ability to do work.
  10. 16. , destroyed by fires or heat
  11. 18. changing form from one to another
  12. 20. , quickly moving back and forth
  1. 2. , things
  2. 3. makes things bright so we can see things
  3. 4. pulls everything down
  4. 5. , sum of potential and kinetic energy
  5. 9. stretched and compressed
  6. 12. ,comes from vibrating objects
  7. 14. common form of energy using electricity
  8. 17. giving off much of light
  9. 19. , power to do something