
  1. 2. a resource that can be replaced
  2. 7. a device for turning on/off a current
  3. 8. energy of motion
  4. 9. circuit with holes/gaps
  5. 11. electricity flows easily through it
  6. 15. stored energy
  7. 16. resources made by nature
  8. 17. negative charge
  9. 20. energy in motion
  1. 1. rubbing a balloon on your head
  2. 3. a resource that can not be replaced
  3. 4. electricity doesn't flow easily
  4. 5. energy that helps you see
  5. 6. positive charge
  6. 10. heat energy
  7. 12. energy from a charge
  8. 13. circuit with no holes/gaps
  9. 14. charges running through a current
  10. 18. the ability to do work
  11. 19. energy that helps you hear