
  1. 1. Plant or animal material used as fuel to
  2. 3. primarily of methane
  3. 5. Energy that it possesses due to its motion
  4. 7. electricity or heat
  5. 8. power Power generated by geothermal energy
  6. 9. energy Renewable energy powered by the natural
  7. 12. energy They transport and capture of energy by
  8. 13. or radioactive decay process
  9. 14. gas Clean alternative to methane
  10. 16. or substance
  11. 18. The movement of energy through a substance
  12. 19. The energy of electromagnetic waves
  13. 20. Form of energy resulting from the
  14. 21. Energy that is released through a nuclear
  15. 24. and fall of ocean tides and currents
  16. 25. of electric charge
  1. 2. The energy that is possessed by an object
  2. 4. Any fuel that is derived from biomass
  3. 6. of energy by using Less Energy
  4. 7. Energy that is stored,or conserved,in an
  5. 10. The effort made to reduce the
  6. 11. energy A form of solar energy
  7. 15. surface waves
  8. 17. gas Naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture
  9. 22. Energy stored in the bonds of chemical
  10. 23. to its motion or due to its position