
  1. 2. Energy that is stored through height
  2. 4. thomas edison invented it
  3. 7. travels through the air
  4. 8. KE of moving electric charges
  5. 9. something that conducts electricity
  6. 11. the absence of heat
  7. 12. The ability to do work
  8. 13. travels through gas and liquid
  9. 15. KE average
  10. 16. invented the light bulb
  11. 18. Heat energy
  12. 20. the energy transferred between two objects
  13. 23. the energy in the nucleus
  14. 24. The energy of motion
  1. 1. Unit of work or energy
  2. 3. Stretch energy
  3. 5. Measured in joules
  4. 6. Energy stored in the bonds of molecules
  5. 10. The sum of KE and PE
  6. 14. Stored energy
  7. 17. a path for electricity to flow through
  8. 19. a giant spark of electricity
  9. 21. direct touch
  10. 22. When a force makes an object move