
  1. 6. the total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system
  2. 7. form of energy in electrical and magnetic waves
  3. 9. energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
  4. 10. energy made by releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom
  5. 11. energy in motion
  6. 13. comes from outlets and power plants to charge electrical devices
  7. 15. comes from a lot of sources, used for communication
  1. 1. energy stored in chemical bonds
  2. 2. energy can't be created or destroyed only transferred
  3. 3. heat that comes from fire, sun etc. used to heat objects
  4. 4. light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs, used as a power source
  5. 5. stored energy
  6. 8. always constant when solving for GPE
  7. 12. when solving for GPE, it is used as acceleration and mass together
  8. 14. the ability to cause change, measured in J