
  1. 2. cleanest type of gas
  2. 4. The energy of motion
  3. 5. the ability to do work
  4. 8. ____ is the most commonly used fossil fuel for electricity generation
  5. 12. Formed from the remains of organisms living millions of years ago
  6. 14. Energy of an object due to its position or shape
  7. 17. contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical
  8. 21. Examples: All Fossil Fuels
  1. 1. Produces no pollutants and requires no fuel
  2. 3. Examples: Wind, Solar, Geothermal
  3. 6. Usually used in 3 different ways
  4. 7. This is also known as "burning"
  5. 9. AKA the law of the Conservation of Energy
  6. 10. The energy required to ___/___ an objects position
  7. 11. The ground generally has a _____ temperature all year long.
  8. 13. often uses significant amounts of land
  9. 15. Refers to the practice of combusting biomass to produce energy
  10. 16. ____ is a liquid fossil fuel with a thick viscous texture
  11. 18. Biofuels are _____ to make
  12. 19. liquid fuels are produced from the use of various forms of biomass
  13. 20. cleanest burning of the fossil fuels