Energy and Work

  1. 5. An object that makes work easier
  2. 6. A simple machine that has a grooved wheel and a rope
  3. 7. The point on which a lever turns
  4. 12. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  5. 13. The force that pulls objects down toward the Earth's center
  6. 14. A force that pulls on objects without touching them
  7. 15. Two inclined planes back to back, used to force materials apart
  8. 16. What is done when a force moves an object over a distance
  9. 17. A bar that turns on a point
  1. 1. The weight of the object being moved
  2. 2. The ability to do work
  3. 3. A flat, slanted surface
  4. 4. A machine that may have few or no moving parts
  5. 7. The force that resists the movement of objects against each other
  6. 8. A change in position
  7. 9. A skilled craftsman who makes, finishes and repairs structures made of wood
  8. 10. A force that acts when one object touches another
  9. 11. The force that you apply to cause a simple machine to work