Energy Crossword

  1. 4. The only form of energy not used in Australia
  2. 8. A type of energy that can only come from the sun
  3. 9. A energy that will run out
  4. 13. Moving Energy
  5. 16. Stored up energy
  6. 18. Goes in cars
  7. 20. A type of fuel for cars motorbikes etc.
  1. 1. Makes cars boats etc. go forward
  2. 2. Produces light and heat
  3. 3. Causes cancer
  4. 5. Similar to coal energy
  5. 6. The energy that produces the most pollution
  6. 7. Goes in TV remotes
  7. 10. Comes from lamps
  8. 11. A group of things that fossil fuels are damaging
  9. 12. Powers windmill
  10. 14. Pure energy that comes from the sun
  11. 15. Makes electricity
  12. 17. A way of meaning energy
  13. 19. A type of energy that humans couldn't live without