Energy resources

  1. 2. a renewable energy resource from deep underground
  2. 3. one of the main uses of energy resources
  3. 7. a renewable energy resource which depends on gravitational potential energy
  4. 11. A renewable energy resource from plants
  5. 13. A non renewable energy resource from fossilised animals
  6. 14. a non renewable energy resource that depends on splitting the atom
  7. 15. one of the main uses of energy resources
  1. 1. Energy resources that will not run out
  2. 4. a non renewable energy resource that is often found with oil
  3. 5. surfs up dude!
  4. 6. An energy resource that is often found offshore
  5. 8. a non renewable energy resource formed from fossilised plants
  6. 9. a renewable energy resource that depends on the moon
  7. 10. Energy resources that will run out
  8. 12. a renewable energy resource that is affected by clouds