energy sources

  1. 6. compact fluoreesent light bulb
  2. 7. energy, styored energy that comes from postion
  3. 8. gudide label, a yhellow and black paper that brekas down the energy efficanty of an appliance
  4. 10. use 1000 watts.
  5. 11. incaandesent light bulb
  6. 12. a light with a power rateing of 1000 watts is turend on for one hour the energy used is 100watts
  7. 13. adult energy,a survey you can take i your home to find out wich parts of your house uses most energy
  1. 1. t\able, table where elments are organized
  2. 2. substance made up of atpoms witht the same identy
  3. 3. postive charge
  4. 4. energy, energy of motion
  5. 5. the unit in when we buy electricty
  6. 9. has everything to do with light
  7. 11. expenctcy,the avagrage time in hours that a bulb has been tested and is expected to operate