energy vocab

  1. 3. the force exerted on a machine
  2. 4. A simple machine that consists of a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel
  3. 8. one of the six basic types of machines, which are the basis for all other forms of machines
  4. 10. a path where electrons flow
  5. 11. the energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects
  6. 13. A circuit that contains one or more ways to flow
  7. 14. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  8. 16. a simple machine consisting of two circular objects of different sizes; the wheel is the larger of the two circular objects
  1. 1. the force exerted on an object
  2. 2. A device that is thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end.
  3. 4. stored energy
  4. 5. a flat, sloped surface
  5. 6. energy of motion
  6. 7. the number of times a machine increases a force exerted on it
  7. 9. An electric circuit with only one more way to flow
  8. 12. A result of a force moving an object a certain distance.
  9. 15. A rigid bar that is free to move around a fixed point