Energy, Work, Simple Machines

  1. 6. force that resists motion
  2. 8. energy of motion
  3. 10. on a bicycle, this simple machine are the gears
  4. 13. if no movement, amount of work is equal to:
  5. 15. riding a bicycle is this type of energy
  6. 16. energy from fusing or splitting atoms
  7. 17. energy transfer from one form to another
  8. 19. simple machine that has a fulcrum or pivot point
  9. 20. type of energy from a furnace
  1. 1. simple machine that's a ramp
  2. 2. type of energy that allows plants to grow
  3. 3. force x distance
  4. 4. type of energy that we can hear
  5. 5. simple machine, tire on a car
  6. 7. type of energy that lights the classroom
  7. 9. energy stored in food
  8. 11. Stored energy
  9. 12. simple machine that has a thin edge and a fat edge
  10. 14. simple machine that turns around...
  11. 18. force of attraction towards Earth