
  1. 2. _________ done. Another way of saying energy is transferred.
  2. 3. The less energy transferred into 'wasted' energy stores the more ___________ a device is.
  3. 6. This reduces the rate of energy transfer by heating.
  4. 10. The amount of energy need to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1 degree celcius is known as __________ heat capacity.
  5. 11. The ____________ of energy principle states that energy can never be created or destroyed. Only transferred usefully, dissipated or stored.
  6. 12. Ee = 1/2ke2. The equation to calculate the amount of elastic potential energy stored in an object.
  7. 13. Anything which is moving has energy in its _________ energy store.
  8. 15. Ep = mgh is the equation for calculating the amount of energy in a gravitational potential energy store. What does the 'm' stand for?
  9. 16. A scientific word for wasted.
  10. 17. Heat transfer through solids.
  11. 19. Power is measured in this unit.
  12. 20. __________ potential energy. The energy stored in a stretched spring.
  1. 1. _________ excluders. These can be fitted around doors and windows to reduce energy transfers by conduction in peoples homes.
  2. 4. Heat transfer through fluids.
  3. 5. This can be used to reduce frictional forces.
  4. 7. If a system changes energy must have been ____________.
  5. 8. To calculate efficiency you divide the _________ output energy transfer by the total input energy transfer and times by a hundred so it is shown as a percent.
  6. 9. When something falls energy is transferred from its _____________ potential energy store to its kinetic energy store.
  7. 14. The energy in a kinetic energy store is dependant on the objects mass and __________.
  8. 17. In this type of system no energy leaves and the net change in energy is zero.
  9. 18. ___________ potential energy. The energy stored in foods and fuels.