
  1. 7. the beginning or end of a nuclear reaction
  2. 8. chemical compounds that have atoms
  3. 10. a enhanced geothermal system
  4. 12. Is mainly used for transportation
  5. 14. a layer of material that traps the air to help block the transfer of heat
  6. 15. can be replenished in a relatively short time
  7. 16. the going apart or coming together to create energy
  8. 17. coal, oil, and natural gas
  9. 18. electricity produced by flowing water
  10. 20. a renewable energy source used to create energy via wind turbines
  11. 22. is where crude oil is heated and separated into fuel
  12. 23. uses less energy than incandescent bulbs
  13. 24. heat from earths interior
  14. 26. wood, plant parts, and food wastes that can be used as fuels
  15. 27. is mainly used for electric power
  16. 28. light and heat given off by the sun
  17. 29. turns to produce energy
  1. 1. coming together
  2. 2. one of the three major types of fossil fuels
  3. 3. collects suns energy
  4. 4. energy carrier
  5. 5. breaking apart
  6. 6. simpelist element known
  7. 9. uses more energy than compact fluorescent
  8. 11. cannot be replenished in a short amount time
  9. 13. not using energy
  10. 19. using smaller percent of energy
  11. 21. compounds made from oil like plastic, makeup, and paint
  12. 24. a mixture of gas and alcohol
  13. 25. when fuel rods get so hot it starts to melt