
  1. 1. a non-renewable resource
  2. 3. allows or prevents energy from flowing
  3. 8. allows energy to flow through
  4. 9. a non-renewable resource made from dead plant remains
  5. 11. energy at rest or stored
  6. 13. rate of an electrical charge
  7. 14. energy from the sun
  8. 15. energy that is created when you plug something in
  9. 16. energy from hot things
  10. 18. does not allow energy to pass through
  11. 19. you plug something into this
  12. 20. petroleum is another name for this
  1. 2. energy which is visible
  2. 4. energy from water
  3. 5. energy from wind
  4. 6. energy that moves
  5. 7. alternative forms of energy
  6. 10. the ability to do work
  7. 12. another word for heat
  8. 17. energy in motion