
  1. 2. a fuel from trees, backwards
  2. 4. Moving ___ turns a windmill
  3. 5. Which kind of food has the most energy?
  4. 7. The fuel that cars use
  5. 10. Made from trees from long ago
  6. 11. the source of most of our energy
  7. 13. moving water that can be used to produce electricity
  8. 14. fuel is burnt to release energy
  9. 17. All organisms __________ to release energy
  10. 20. Used to make biogas
  11. 21. Trees are cut into _________
  12. 22. Can turn a turbine to produce electricity
  13. 24. needed by plants to make food
  14. 27. platform for drilling oil wells at sea
  1. 1. A fuel which rhymes with 'heat' and releases energy when burnt.
  2. 3. This is needed for burning fuels
  3. 5. Coal, oil and natural gas are all __________
  4. 6. Fuel made from sewage and dead organisms
  5. 8. Fuels supply _______
  6. 9. Energy from the sun, _____ energy
  7. 12. Burning gives off ______
  8. 15. Source of Wood
  9. 16. Moving air that can be used to produce electricity
  10. 18. Food substance found in leaves
  11. 19. these strike against the shore with a lot of energy
  12. 23. machine powered by wind
  13. 25. Another name for petroleum
  14. 26. Moving water can ______ a waterwheel