
  1. 3. transfer of energy but electromagnetic waves
  2. 4. energy stored in chemical bonds
  3. 6. transfer of thermal energy by the movement of particles from one place to another in a gas or liquid
  4. 7. a number of times the input force is multiplied by a machine; equal to the output force divided by the input force
  5. 9. states that energy can change its form but is never created or destroyed
  6. 12. the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the particles in a material
  7. 14. transfer of thermal energy by direct contact; occurs when energy is transferred by collisions between particles
  8. 17. measure of the average kinetic energy of the individual particles of a substance
  9. 18. energy carried an electromagnetic wave
  10. 19. energy contained in atomic nuclei
  11. 20. material in which electrons cannot move around easily
  1. 1. energy an object has due to its motion
  2. 2. the lifting object against the force of gravity
  3. 5. energy stored in an object due to its position
  4. 8. movement of thermal energy
  5. 10. potential energy that can be stressed or compressed
  6. 11. energy carried by electric current
  7. 13. material in which electrons can move or that transfer her easily
  8. 15. the ability to cause change
  9. 16. minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction