
  1. 2. The way energy is transferred through a medium.
  2. 3. Energy associated with motion and position.
  3. 6. A mechanical wave that moves back and forth with compressions and rarefractions.
  4. 10. Energy possessed by an object according to its position in the gravitational field.
  5. 12. Energy transported by sound waves.
  6. 14. Using work to move an object.
  7. 16. Energy that deals with Charged Electrons in Atoms.
  8. 18. The ability to do work.
  9. 19. Energy which is stored when an object is stretch.
  10. 20. Energy related to the transfer of heat.
  1. 1. Radiated by the Sun in the form of electromagnetic waves, which can be converted into electrical energy through solar cells.
  2. 4. Energy transported through electromagnetic waves.
  3. 5. A mechanical wave that moves up and down with crest and troughs.
  4. 7. Energy contained within an atomic nucleus.
  5. 8. The change of energy from one to another.
  6. 9. Energy not being used or doing work.
  7. 11. Energy that is in use/doing work.
  8. 13. To supply with energy or force.
  9. 15. The distance between crests-crest, Trough to trough, Compression to compression, or rarefraction to rarefraction.
  10. 17. Energy derived from various chemical reactions.