
  1. 3. Energy change its _______ constantly.
  2. 4. Energy cannot be...
  3. 6. A rubber band is part of ______ energy.
  4. 11. The batteries transfers stored chemical energy as _____ energy.
  5. 12. Bombs are ____ energy.
  6. 13. Energy is the a-b-l--y to work.
  7. 16. With what matrial do you need to grab the caustic soda pellets?
  8. 18. Energy comes from the...
  1. 1. Light bulbs, a bunsen flame are part of ______ energy.
  2. 2. A book on a shelf is ______ energy.
  3. 4. Food, batteries, burning things are part of ______ energy.
  4. 5. Sound energy can be transfered to your eardrum as _____ energy.
  5. 7. If the test tube starts becoming hot, you have _____ energy.
  6. 8. Another word for kinetic is:
  7. 9. Energy cannot be...
  8. 10. How many different kinds of energy are there?
  9. 14. Are light bulbs electrical energy?
  10. 15. Hot water, a hot radiator are an example for ______ energy.
  11. 17. When you talkor you hear a rafdio, you have ______ energy.
  12. 19. Can you increase or decrease the amount of energy?