
  1. 4. What tyoe of energy is a light bulb.
  2. 6. This is a thermal energy, it is transparent.
  3. 8. What type of energy is a violin.
  4. 9. This is a chemical energy, it is dangerous if it touch your skin.
  5. 10. This object have two energys sound and kinetic, you can play it with two sticks.
  6. 11. What type of energy is a television.
  7. 14. This is a kinetic energy and os the best friend of the humans.
  8. 15. This is a nuclear energy that in summer appears.
  9. 16. This is a nuclear energy that is needed in the wars.
  10. 17. What type of energy is a earthquake.
  11. 18. This is a magnetic energy, it is like a U.
  1. 1. Where the chemical energy is transfered to the electrical energy.
  2. 2. This is a sound energy that is big and have strings.
  3. 3. This object have two energys light and thermal energy, you can't see without them.
  4. 5. What type of energy is a rubber band.
  5. 6. This is a chemical energy that you can eat and find in fast food restaurants.
  6. 7. A place where the sound of a guitar is transfered.
  7. 12. Its the ability to work.
  8. 13. What type of energy is a hot chocolate.
  9. 16. This is a gravitational energy that you can jump with.