
  1. 3. the amount of potential energy depends on the objects _______ and position
  2. 4. X-rays are an example of _______ energy
  3. 6. energy that can be stored
  4. 7. rule that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed is called the law of _______ of energy
  5. 9. a small falling rock has _____ kinetic energy than a large rock falling
  6. 10. the movement of energy in longitudinal waves
  7. 14. thermal energy transferred through the movement of molecules
  8. 16. _____ heat = more thermal energy
  9. 17. the more atoms or molecules a substance has, the more __________ it has
  10. 18. thermal energy transferred by waves
  11. 19. solar energy is energy from the ____
  1. 1. ________ energy is the same as heat energy
  2. 2. energy of position
  3. 5. wind is an example of the energy of
  4. 7. thermal energy transferred by direct contact
  5. 8. chemical energy is found in anything that can
  6. 10. the amount of kinetic and potential energy that an object posses is the _______
  7. 11. the energy in coal is stored as _________ energy
  8. 12. a measurement of temperature
  9. 13. the energy of motion
  10. 15. the energy that gives light and heat to a lightbulb