  1. 2. Unit measuring the force to produce an electric current.
  2. 5. A form of energy that travels as waves from the sun to Earth.
  3. 7. Animals store their excess energy in this form.
  4. 8. Humans get their energy from this.
  5. 9. Energy of dam water.
  6. 12. Fuels that can generate power without getting depleted.
  7. 16. Chemical energy is stored in the ____ of molecules.
  8. 17. The burning of wood releases this form of energy.
  9. 19. Energy from the Sun.
  10. 20. Overload protection device.
  11. 21. Energy produced by splitting atoms.
  12. 23. A form of energy that results from the movement of machine parts.
  13. 25. Another name for electrical networks.
  1. 1. The basic unit of energy that scientists use.
  2. 3. Field that attracts iron or steel.
  3. 4. A form of energy that travels as waves through the air.
  4. 6. Rotary engine that extracts energy from water.
  5. 10. Energy created by moving electrons.
  6. 11. One of the gases released into the air when fossil fuels burn.
  7. 13. The energy stored in compressed springs is known as ____ potential energy.
  8. 14. Relating to the use of radio waves to send and receive electronic signals.
  9. 15. A storage of energy invented by humans and which is filled with chemicals.
  10. 18. A type of fuel formed from the remains of plants or sea creatures millions of years ago.
  11. 22. A measure of energy that is used for measuring the amount of energy in food.
  12. 24. Produced by a surplus or shortage of electrons.