
  1. 2. measured in Joules
  2. 5. potential energy produced by a field of energy
  3. 6. potential energy from the reaction of substances
  4. 10. electrons moving through a circuit or wire
  5. 11. massXgravityXheight
  6. 13. energy that can be reused easily
  7. 14. a type of kinetic energy formed by mechanical waves
  8. 15. light is a type of this
  9. 16. kinetic energy produced by microscopic mechanical energy
  10. 17. potential energy from the binding or breaking of a nucleus
  11. 18. stored energy
  12. 19. energy that can't be easily reused
  1. 1. Equation of Kinetic energy
  2. 2. potential energy stored in a material that is distorted
  3. 3. another word for wave
  4. 4. work divided by time
  5. 7. potential energy of an electron binding to a nucleus
  6. 8. when a force acts on a body and there is displacement in that direction
  7. 9. the movement of a body
  8. 12. what does thermal mean