
  1. 3. The form of energy that involves movement
  2. 4. The useful form of energy that comes from a radio
  3. 5. One of the forms of energy that comes from the sun
  4. 6. The waste form of energy that is produced by a light bulb
  5. 7. The measurement of how much useful energy is produced
  6. 8. The variable that is measured
  7. 11. The form of energy used to power televisions
  8. 12. The variable that is changed
  9. 15. Energy can be .... from one form to another
  10. 16. The form of energy stored in fossil fuels
  11. 18. We can use a wind ... to generate electricity from the wind
  12. 19. We can use ... panels to generate electricity from the Sun
  1. 1. Energy cannot be created or...
  2. 2. A method of generating electricity from hot rocks underground
  3. 4. The diagrams used to display energy transfers
  4. 6. A method of generating electricity that involves water
  5. 9. Penguins huddle to keep...
  6. 10. The source of all energy on the Earth
  7. 13. The form energy that is released when atoms are broken up
  8. 14. The form of energy stored in an elastic band
  9. 17. The variables that are kept the same to make an experiment a fair tet