Engineering Safety

  1. 4. A book that details instructions and safety for tools and equipment in the lab.
  2. 5. this is required before you use any equipment, even if you already know how to use it.
  3. 6. do not lean on these.
  4. 11. You should ALWAYS practice this
  5. 14. a time when you are allowed to run in the classroom
  6. 15. Shape of hazard graphic that alerts the user to danger.
  7. 16. the area you should remain in
  8. 18. how your area should be cleaned when you are finished.
  9. 19. A type of PPE used for the eyes.
  1. 1. The number of minutes you should rinse your eyes if particles or chemicals get in your eyes
  2. 2. The first 'p' in PPE
  3. 3. you should not clown around, play practical jokes, or try to ______ others in the lab
  4. 7. You should remove ties, _____, and dangling jewelry.
  5. 8. You can use any equipment when you have been ____
  6. 9. Before you use any equipment and follow all
  7. 10. the floor should be in this state when operating electrical equipment.
  8. 12. Following Technology Lab Safety Rules will keep you in this state of being.
  9. 13. Always report safety violations to this person first
  10. 17. be considerate of others and follow all safety rules under these circumstances.