
  1. 2. place to work and do homework
  2. 4. part of the body that you use to see
  3. 6. last name of a famous Argentinian soccer player
  4. 9. bad :(
  5. 13. job
  6. 14. ___ at the mall yesterday
  7. 15. opposite of a student
  8. 17. use this to eat food (NOT mouth)
  9. 20. ___ a student
  10. 21. fruit
  11. 22. walk, but very fast
  1. 1. fruit
  2. 3. __ in Ecuador last year
  3. 5. last name of a famous Portuguese soccer player
  4. 7. good :)
  5. 8. part of the body between the head and the shoulders
  6. 9. place for learning
  7. 10. planet we live on
  8. 11. American sport that involves contact
  9. 12. __ a man
  10. 16. last name of a famous Argentinian soccer player
  11. 18. ___ a child.
  12. 19. clothes that you put on your legs