- 1. you can shot with it
- 4. it goes fast
- 8. you buy alot of items
- 9. its is in your family
- 12. you can learn stuff from there
- 15. it protects the country
- 16. its a shop
- 17. its in the highway usually
- 18. its very tall building
- 19. its a white animal that hops around
- 20. its in end of the week
- 21. someone feels very bad for you
- 2. öö
- 3. someone stole something
- 5. its in holiday on april
- 6. you can flim it
- 7. you can listen to it
- 10. its something when you steal something and the video gets removed
- 11. what would you do with a toy
- 13. its in asia
- 14. its that item that you can travel with
- 15. what is rocky and looks like a person