
  1. 1. a strip of woven material used to bind up a wound or to protect an injured part of the body
  2. 4. woman or girl with a voice that can sing the highest notes
  3. 5. the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips, often narrower than the areas above and below
  4. 7. forbid by law or authority
  5. 8. the area where passengers board to the aircraft
  6. 10. (of a person or animal) have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air.
  7. 12. a flash or beam of light
  8. 14. to rain in very small drops or very lightly
  9. 15. feeling faint, woozy, weak or unsteady
  10. 16. a ship; a hollow container; tube containing body fluid
  11. 18. A procedure to remove or repair a part of the body or to find out whether disease is present
  12. 19. a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body
  1. 2. anexactcopy;makeanexactcopyof;repeat exactly
  2. 3. noisy quarrel or fight
  3. 6. alone; single;only
  4. 7. a vehicle designed for air travel, with wings and one or more engines
  5. 9. starvation; great shortage
  6. 11. misty; smoky; unclear
  7. 13. set on fire
  8. 17. that which makes clear the truth or falsehood of something