
  1. 3. you need this for the start of every lesson
  2. 6. the methods by which an author creates the people in their story
  3. 11. the place where a story is set
  4. 12. get one of these if you need a synonym
  5. 14. a genre in which an author writes about their own life
  6. 15. a technique in which a comparison is made to emphasise a quality
  7. 16. a word which shows the physical relationship between two or more objects
  8. 17. a word which gives more information about a noun
  9. 18. something everyone should take care over
  10. 21. underline your titles with this
  1. 1. your English teacher
  2. 2. a technique in which an object is given human qualities
  3. 4. put the letters in the right order
  4. 5. where we have one lesson each fortnight
  5. 7. a technique in which sounds are conveyed
  6. 8. the colours of ink you should write in
  7. 9. a form of writing separated into lines and stanzas
  8. 10. start a new one every time you change the focus of your writing
  9. 11. the most famous author of all time
  10. 13. a genre in which supernatural events often take place
  11. 19. a word which gives more information about how an action is performed
  12. 20. a long story