
  1. 2. Unsettled or chaotic
  2. 3. Following rules or instructions
  3. 6. To agree
  4. 8. To push back or fight against.
  5. 10. Not wanting to do something.
  6. 11. Very difficult or heavy
  7. 13. A feeling of deep loss or sadness.
  8. 14. To find a way around something
  9. 15. Spread everywhere or affecting everything.
  1. 1. Working together with others.
  2. 3. A strong dedication to something
  3. 4. To put something into action.
  4. 5. Forced to do something.
  5. 7. The subjects and lessons taught in school.
  6. 9. To succeed or do well.
  7. 12. Being very careful and responsible.