ENGLISH. 26-09-2015

  1. 4. English was actually the native language of this tribe.
  2. 7. English is also called as. ...language due to its wide usage.
  3. 9. Adjective of the word 'Beauty'.
  4. 11. Harmony- antonym. .?
  5. 13. Young deer.
  6. 15. A person who speaks many languages.
  1. 1. Number of parts of speech.
  2. 2. My mother is seeing the TV (Correct form)
  3. 3. A body of words used in a language.
  4. 5. An idiom. " Add insult to. ..."
  5. 6. The shortest word with 5 vowels in alphabetical order
  6. 8. Eclipse - synonym.
  7. 10. Verb-Know : Noun -?
  8. 12. Study of origin of words.
  9. 14. In India, English is the official language of this state.