  1. 4. a funeral song
  2. 5. characterized by a marked lack of movement, activity, or expression;
  3. 10. no pain no gain!
  4. 12. (n.) a potion once thought capable of curing all ills and maintaining life indefinitely; a panacea; a sweet liquid used to deliver medicine
  5. 13. causing irritation or annoyance; bothersome
  6. 16. a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant
  7. 18. humorous play on words that have several meanings or words that sound the same but have different meanings
  8. 20. showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
  9. 22. mom will kill me if I fail this test!
  10. 27. having or showing a great desire to possess something, typically something belonging to someone else
  11. 28. the opposite of what's expected to happen
  12. 32. silence," "permanent temp"
  13. 35. A figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory terms in a brief phrase.
  14. 36. water leaps off the ledge
  15. 38. an extreme exaggeration
  16. 39. A rapidly spreading and usually fatal disease; plague
  17. 41. boxing, fighting with the fists
  18. 43. A comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as" (or "seems" or "appears")
  19. 45. not discovered or known about; uncertain;
  20. 46. The mention of a very famous person, place, book, event, or object
  21. 47. couple or a pair
  22. 51. "Pugilism has been called "the sweet science" by some, but others feel that hitting other people in the head until they can't get up isn't much of a sport."
  23. 53. laugh loudly and in an unrestrained way
  24. 55. to entertain or delight (with food or a story or play)
  25. 56. giving a human trait to an inanimate object
  26. 58. hating mankind in general
  27. 59. to get smaller, dimmer, or weaker; to near an end
  28. 62. (adj.) thin and bony, starved looking; bare, barren
  29. 63. Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)
  30. 65. in a trance-like state; unable to move or talk due to shock or illness
  31. 66. hamper;
  1. 1. An object or character in literature that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
  2. 2. from being seen; conceal;
  3. 3. bewildered or perplexed or confused
  4. 4. (adj.) persistent, stubbornly determined, refusing to give up; unrelenting; persistent
  5. 6. Bold disrespect or rudeness
  6. 7. or difficult to understand
  7. 8. conduct (actions) or speech inciting (inspiring) people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch;
  8. 9. A comparison not using like or as
  9. 11. to restrain;
  10. 14. ruler with unlimited power
  11. 15. expressed or understood or implied without being stated or said directly; unspoken
  12. 17. (adj.) light, airy, delicate; highly refined; suggesting what is heavenly (rather than earthbound)
  13. 19. to stun, baffle, or amaze;
  14. 21. an insult
  15. 23. a wild uproar, din, or commotion (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people)
  16. 24. the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar
  17. 25. astonish to the point that one can't think clearly
  18. 26. shackle
  19. 29. two items of the same kind;
  20. 30. Honor or respect shown publicly
  21. 31. a supreme ruler, especially a monarch;
  22. 33. hints or clues of what will happen later on; meant to build suspense or tension
  23. 34. an overused expression that should be avoided because it is so boring.
  24. 37. cupcakes (delicious-positive)
  25. 40. two;
  26. 42. sullen and ill-tempered; gloomy
  27. 44. The dictionary definition of a word
  28. 47. the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
  29. 48. unable to be comforted; brokenhearted; extremely sad, anguished
  30. 49. crime of encouraging people to overthrow the government through writing, actions or speech
  31. 50. a violent uprising against an authority or government
  32. 51. or meow
  33. 52. a word that sounds like what it describes
  34. 54. secondary emotional meaning of a word pos.,neg.,or neutral.
  35. 57. anger as a result of something unjust
  36. 60. to scold or rebuke severely and at length
  37. 61. a large fire that is dangerously out of control
  38. 64. an unpleasant, cramped, and dilapidated place to live