- 1. Possession or controlling influence (Political, financial, social), etc.
- 6. A business person (a person who uses their wealth to invest in trade and industries for profit).
- 8. Words spoken by characters in prose or drama.
- 9. A political advocate of socialism.
- 11. A way to describe the distinctive nature or features of someone or something.
- 13. The period of your life when you were young.
- 15. Having a duty to take care of something
- 17. A group of people having cultural, religious, ethnic or other characteristics in common.
- 19. The social group between the rich (upper class) and the poor.
- 20. The action or act of entertaining other people by pretending a play, concert or other forms of entertainment.
- 2. The state or quality of being socially acceptable.
- 3. A noun which Suggests a group have priority over an individual.
- 4. The assembled spectators or listeners at an event/specific place such as a play, film, etc.
- 5. Behaving and being proud in an unpleasant way as if you are better or more important than others.
- 7. Someone who believes in individual freedom.
- 10. A sense of right and wrong.
- 12. Situation in which someone pretends to have the qualities , beliefs & feelings that they do not have.
- 14. A noun which suggests freedom of independent, unique and self-reliant.
- 16. A feeling you may have when you have done something wrong.
- 18. The totality of social relationships among organized groups of human beings.