
  1. 2. Red berries
  2. 4. A continent and a country
  3. 8. Your favorite language
  4. 9. Your school
  5. 10. Where some of you will work
  6. 11. Instrument with keys
  7. 13. Cute animal
  8. 14. City and a state in America
  9. 15. A famous DJ
  10. 16. Sweden's next door neighbor
  11. 18. Where you stay when on vacation
  12. 19. A famous Rapper
  13. 20. Tiny pebbles that cover the beach
  1. 1. Made of steel, can fly
  2. 3. When you move fast
  3. 5. Lives on the savanna
  4. 6. Your last day of school
  5. 7. Tall building
  6. 12. Your teacher
  7. 17. The best part of the week
  8. 19. Motion picture