
  1. 2. you wear on your head
  2. 5. a toy
  3. 6. you need to open before entering
  4. 7. long organ the elephants have
  5. 12. a thread used to fasten paper sheets
  6. 13. Has a trunk
  7. 14. you can see your image in this
  8. 17. tells you the time
  9. 19. a cupboard we keep our clothes
  1. 1. dome shaped house built using snow
  2. 3. a vehicle which flies
  3. 4. Likes to chase mice
  4. 5. 1000 kilograms
  5. 8. an animal who had run a race with tortoise
  6. 9. an animal found in Australia
  7. 10. we drink when thirsty
  8. 11. Flying mammal
  9. 15. children love this
  10. 16. in cricket we hit the ball with this
  11. 18. an organ to see
  12. 20. Man's best friend